Can I order a TB2000?
Please note the TB2000 is a casting series number and is not a final part number. We require the Spec number stamped in the gearcase housing to properly identify the actuator and assist with your inquiry. WE MUST HAVE THE SPEC NUMBER IN ORDER TO ASSIST YOU.
Where can I find the motor part number?
Replacement actuators have a Spec number stamped in the housing where the shaft exits. Part numbers usually begin with a UL. Custom gearmotor part numbers are either stamped in the gearcase housing or there is a label on the AC motor coil or DC motor housing.
What is the minimum order quantity for a custom motor?
We are an OEM manufacturer and require a 25-piece minimum for most gearcase combinations. We do offer several stocking designs of common speeds. See the Stock Gearmotor section of our website.
Can I get replacement gearmotors?
Please refer to our Replacement Actuator section for available part numbers. Other part numbers are proprietary, and we would refer you back to the manufacturer of the equipment the gearmotor is assembled into. Do you offer repairs or motor parts? We are an OEM manufacturer and do not supply individual parts or components. We do not offer any repair services, however some replacement actuators are available as outlined on our website.
What is the strongest HP you offer?
We are a sub-fractional HP manufacturer and typical output is 1/50 HP or less for continuous duty operation.